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Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources such as wind, solar are of paramount importance in addressing the urgent global challenges of climate change and sustainable energy generation. Insurance policies play a crucial role in supporting the growth and security of the renewable energy sector. They are essential for mitigating the risks, promoting investment while safeguarding against potential financial setbacks.

Standard Fire & Special perils Insurance Policy

Standard Fire & Special perils Insurance Policy

Coverage for physical assets, such as buildings and contents against damage from fire,& allied Perils including Acts of God.

Workmen's Compensation Insurance Policy

Workmen's Compensation Insurance Policy

This Policy provides legal liability coverage for compensation to employees for bodily injury or death caused due to accidents arising out of and in course of employment.

Windmill Insurance

Windmill Insurance

Wind energy has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping our energy systems and propelling us towards a greener, more sustainable future. As the wind power sector continues to expand, it is crucial to acknowledge the inherent risks involved in harnessing this mighty force of nature..